Total Sponsored: 4 children Sponsorship Goal: 10 children

If a child is thriving, everyone’s thriving. 

That’s why sponsorship matters so much to me!  When you sponsor a child through World Vision, you're not only personally showing God’s love to a child in need, you’re also investing in proven and sustainable ways to lift communities out of poverty.

Many of you know that I’ve been involved as a volunteer with World Vision since 2013, after starting to sponsor children in 2010. I have served as a Child Ambassador, a Team Leader in California and Michigan, and a 6K for Water Leader for several years now. Last year I also joined the World Vision Advocacy Team.

Through all of this, child sponsorship is at the heart of World Vision’s humanitarian mission: to have every child reach life to the fullest.  

That’s why I’m asking you to join me in this effort. Please consider sponsoring a child through my World Vision link.

Thank you!