Total Sponsored: 22 children Sponsorship Goal: 600 children
Lauren Anderson profile picture

Lauren Anderson

2024 Child Ambassadors

Support Me

If a child is thriving, everyone’s thriving. 

That’s why sponsorship matters so much to me!  When you sponsor a child through World Vision, you're not only personally showing God’s love to a child in need, you’re also investing in a proven way to help that child and their community stand tall, free from poverty.

Here's my story.. I started sponsoring when I was 20 years old. I didn’t expect anything. I heard about world vision through someone that was attending my church and she told me world vision is a trustworthy organization. And about the kids she sponsored. I always wanted to help kids outside the country but, I wasn’t sure how I would be able to. When I heard about world vision I knew I found what God was calling me to. My child that I sponsor was four years old when I started sponsoring her. She was carrying dirty water several times a day. She was in danger of getting sick and was starving. She’s 14 years old now and she loves Jesus. She’s  grown big and strong and wants to be a nurse because she doesn’t want kids to be kids to be sick.if you still have doubts or don’t believe me click here on this link. It’s a story of someone who sponsored a child ..