I’d like to start off by sharing with you parts of a letter. “Dear Selena … You are a blessing in my life. … I am so happy to be your sponsored kid. I love you very much. … Every time my mom is able to, she will read your letter to me. … Although I haven’t met you in person, I have great affection for you.” Those are some of the heartwarming words one of my sponsored kiddos, Dyton, wrote to me.
Let us pray … Dear God, I want to thank and praise you for the opportunity to represent you and World Vision as a Child Ambassador. Please prepare the hearts of those you have called to be sponsors, to you alone be the glory. Amen.
In Philippians 2:4, God tells us that investing in others is important to Him. He says: “Do not be interested only in your own life, but be interested in the lives of others.” This is the core of World Vision … they live out their Christian faith every day, following Jesus’ example, by caring for those in need. And, today, I am excited to share that you have an opportunity to partner with them through a program called child sponsorship. So, what is child sponsorship? Sponsoring a child is a personal, effective way to fight poverty. When a child in need is sponsored, a special relationship is built that encourages that child with hope for the future. As you build a relationship with your child, you will have the opportunity to watch him or her grow through letters and videos. Furthermore, not only are you helping to meet the basic needs of your sponsored child, you are investing in his or her community. Your donation is pooled with the donations of other child sponsors in that area so the entire community benefits. World Vision works with the local leaders of the community in which your child lives to identify the root causes of poverty, and together they determine what is needed to tackle those root causes. Sponsoring a child is an ongoing commitment until your child or the community becomes independent.
The impact you have on the life of a child through sponsorship is more than you may ever know. You are so important to these kids. They absolutely love you! One of my former sponsored kiddos wrote these words in her closing letter. “I am so grateful to you forever and ever. I will never forget you. I will never forget your love. I ask that you please give another child like me a chance.” As I read her words and the words of Dyton that I shared with you earlier, it’s in those moments, that you fully understand what Jesus meant when He said “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”(Acts 20:35 NIV)
God has a plan and a purpose for all of our lives. If you feel God calling you to partner with Him in sponsoring one of His precious children through World Vision, I encourage you to move forward in faith and say yes, “Here I am, [Lord].”(Isaiah 6:8 NIV) If we do not step out when God wants to use us, we will miss out on the joy and excitement of being used by Him, and we can miss out on His blessings – the doors He will open, the things He will teach us, and the times we’ll feel His presence in a very special way. God uses us to bless us more than we could ever ask or imagine, and “I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving.”(Philippians 4:17 CEV) God promises that “the generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”(Proverbs 11:25 NLT) “He will not forget the work you did and the love you showed for Him by helping His people.”(Hebrews 6:10 NCV) Furthermore, God is always faithful to finish what He begins. Never underestimate what He will continue to do through your faithfulness in the lives of these children and their children for generations to come long after you have completed your obedient service to Him.
So … if you feel God calling you to shine His light in the life of a child in need, I encourage you to move forward in faith and choose a child to sponsor or have a child choose you as his or her sponsor through a program called "Chosen." (Both options are available on this website.) And now I’d just like to conclude with some of Jesus’ own words “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.”(Matthew 25:40 NIV)